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Shaderballs for Softimage|XSI

Here are a bunch of Shaderballs for XSI
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Discovery Channel – Digital Neurons

Worked with my friends Chris Bahry and Alexandre Torres from Tendril doing texturing, lighting and some animation on this piece.
Texturing done in Photoshop and composition in After Effects, all the 3d work was produced using 3ds Max.
I’ve cut the best shots and previews I did, and worked on this small clip.


H2oh! is a flavored water type of thing that called for animated fishes inside of the aquarium.
At Conspiração Filmes filmes I had the opportunity to work in the modeling, animation and was the lead texturer/shading artist.
Our pipeline was based on Maya, Renderman and Photoshop.

I worked in two spots, the one for the launch of the product and the other for the new flavor Tangerine:

Harpy – Personal Project

This is a study of a 3d creature. Most of the work to finish this project was done in a month in my spare time.


This project is property of Rede Globo television

Bang-Bang is a Brazilian soap opera in a western world. lol

This was lot’s of fun to work on, I did a lot of modeling and shading work. Most of the assets and the work on the characters was split by me and Andre Holzmeister.
I had the opportunity to contribute on the design of the piece.

Early render test…

Bang-Bang © Rede Globo.